Preservice School Bus


If you would like to register for a class, contact the transportation supervisor in the district where you wish to be employed. Each student must be sponsored by a district. The supervisor of that district will register you for the class and help you with scheduling the training process.

Prospective school bus drivers must attend all days of class; recertifying drivers must attend the minimum required days as indicated on the schedule. All students must pass a test on the final day of the class to qualify for the requirements for a school bus driver’s certificate. The School Bus Driver’s Certificate will not be issued until the district determines that all requirements are complete.

OBI Training for Certification

Download “OBI Training Procedure” and “Application for OBI Certification” for details concerning training for a new OBI for a district in the East Region and paperwork that must be submitted along with a letter of recommendation.

OBI Recertification

OBIs must recertify by doing the pretrip and driving evaluation with the Preservice Instructor. East Region schedules these recertification evaluations throughout the year with the exception of July, and the winter months December, January, and February. Recertifying OBIs should schedule their evaluation with this office within one year of the date their certificate will expire. Download “OBI Recertification Procedure” below for details.