What is an ESC

An Educational Service Center, or ESC, is a support organization. Until 1995 ESCs were known as County School Districts or County Offices of Education. The Ohio General Assembly changed the name to go along with the change in focus and mission required by legislation enacted in 1988. An ESC serves the territory within the territorial limits of a county, or included in a joint ESC (the merging of two or more ESCs), exclusive of the territory in any city or exempted village school district.

Each governing board of an ESC is required to develop a plan of service for the local, city and exempted village districts it serves. The plan should include provisions that ensure fiscal monitoring of the local districts, adequate physical facilities for the county board, education programs for local district and ESC personnel, curriculum services to the local districts, and assistance to the locals in the provision of special education.

It depends. ORC section 3319.07 provides that no teacher may be employed unless nominated by the ESC superintendent; however, the statute goes on to state that a local board and the ESC board may enter into an agreement authorizing the local superintendent, in lieu of the ESC superintendent, to make recommendations for the employment of teachers in the local district. In addition, ORC section 3319.01 allows a local board and an ESC board to agree that the local superintendent will direct and assign teachers in the local district, as well as assign pupils to the proper schools and grades.

Our service region consists of Tuscarawas (567.58 sq mi), Carroll (394.67 sq mi), Harrison (403.53 sq mi),  Belmont (537.35 sq mi) and Guernsey (528 sq mi) Counties. This is over 2,400 square miles, making the ECOESC service regions one of the largest in the state. We are comprised of 9 local school districts, 2 exempted village school districts, 6 city school districts, 2 vocational career centers, and 2 Board of DDs serving 28,085 students and 2,054 teachers across our service area.

You can view our current board of education incumbents by clicking here.

You can view a listing of schools and links to their websites by clicking here.

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